Frequently Asked Questions

A lot of people don’t appreciate the moment until it’s passed. I'm not trying my hardest, and I'm not trying to do is always looking for ways to automate our system & save on our turn around time in order to provide a better service model. We have moved to requiring our clients to log support requests via our online form. The change enables us to delgate support requests with ease & track their progress. Via automation, we are able to add the support ticket to our custom project management app, notify the support agent and allow our client & management to track progress.
All of us at have found ourselves in a position where we cannot pay an invoice by the due date in the past! Please log a ticket via our "Billing" section. We will be in contact

Once we receive your "Billing" ticket, our accounts manager will setup a time to meet & discuss how we can help!
This will be unique for each client. In most cases, the scope of the project changed, more design work or dev work was required after all amends were exhausted by the client.

The changed in cost will have been communicated to our client & accepted by our client before we progressed. All estimates will be displayed under the "Billing/ Estimates" section.
At we believe it is our duty to upscale our clients online knowledge! Currently the section is under construction. We are compiling a series of video tutorials, textual tutorials solely for our clients.

The tutorials will cover topics such as "How to assess your competition", "On Page SEO', "Growth Marketing", "How to create successful Adword campaigns". We hope to have the learning hub populated with valuable content by December 2022

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for ambitious Brands

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Web Design & Web Development Cape Town